119 South Stapley Drive
Mesa, Arizona 85204
P. O. Box 131
Mesa, Arizona 85211
(480) 257-1188 holytempleaz@gmail.com
Come and be a part of a growing ministry.
These are various areas of ministry our church has to offer.
MOTTO: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." [Matthew 5:16]
The Sunshine Band is to teach foundational Godly principles and Biblical truths to children ages 2-13. We focus on basic foundational principles such as prayer, Bible study, and praise to introduce God and his son Jesus Christ.
Our objective is the children knowing more about salvation by the time they are ready to enter the next level, which is Purity. The ultimate goal is that the children will either accept salvation or seek the more to be saved.
The Greeter Ministry is charged to greet and assist all worshipers who enter our facility, but they are more importantly charged to greet all first time guests and welcome them to our worship service.
Our greeters demonstrate Christ-like love with a sincere, friendly smile. The greeters may also assist members and guests when an usher may not be available.
Our Endeavor: To have a pure heart, to be united in love, to be religiously pure, to be inclined to do good, to be tireless in service and to yield not to temptation.
In 1926, the late Mother Elnora Johnson of Detroit, Michigan, brought into reality the first Purity Class of the Church of God in Christ. She had a vision of creating an organization for the purpose of preserving a high moral standard in the Christian youth. The moral decay of the 1920s was destroying the basic principles of Christian living that the church had been upholding. The Purity Class was created to teach the youth these principles.
The Purity Class acknowledges that youth of today face demands and stressful life situations that have the capacity to destroy them. The Purity Class aims to find ways to minister to the young men and women of the church where they are and address such isues as well as empower them on a consistent basis by cultivating Christian virtue, integrity, and social graces, preparing them to lead lives with high dignity and high moral codes.
The Usher Minister, like the Greeter Ministry, assists all worshipers who enter the facility. The usher makes sure the worshiper has obtained a seat and will assist whereever they are able.